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LIVE GOOD – A humble Waste Reducing Index for the conscious consumer. - GOOD STUDIOS

LIVE GOOD – A humble Waste Reducing Index for the conscious consumer.

As I reached the end of Plastic Free July this year, I took stock of my environmental impact in both business and my personal life. With scientists saying we have 11 years to reduce our footprint significantly or the world as we know will cease to exist, change is urgent, but with governments doing nothing, it must fall to us as individuals to empower others and to contribute our voices to the bigger movement. I try to live a low impact life, (and know from experience that this isn’t always easy) yet in the 11 years since we started our brand there have been incredible developments in this area which have made living our values so much more attainable. This index has been a dream of mine for many years but I have always battled the idea that I don't know as much as I should in order to have a voice in this space. But from my research there isn't a lot out there that resonated with me, coming from the angle of an enthusiastic-yet-in-no-way-claiming-to-be-expert in this field. So in this same spirit what better time than now, when change is urgent, to share ideas and brands we have discovered on our own journey to a more conscious way of consuming.

You will notice we haven’t just stuck to plastic free alternatives. We wanted to share that there are so many simple, (and chic) ways to make the change to a low impact or carbon neutral lifestyle. Whilst initially overwhelming, making small changes everyday and moving toward more sustainable habits overall has a bigger impact than you may think. The positive changes you make in your life permeate out to inspire your friends, family and local community, while keeping positive business afloat. We will continue to update this list as we learn more and are excited to hear from you too! Visit our blog post here for the growing list.

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